I’m good at the inhale.

I’m good at the inhale.

I feel around for as much as I can.

And I breathe it in.

Everything I can find.

Inhale until I’m full.

The top of my lungs.

Until I think I know.

But the exhale.

What should be a steady release

Feels like a push.

A boulder up a hill.

My lungs don’t want to let go.

Don’t want to be empty.

But I’m trying to learn

The value,

The necessity

Of the exhale.

The empty

And the journey there.


Let every piece go.

Until there is only stillness.

I find it.

I feel it.

I find me there.

I live with me there.

One moment at a time.




Where's the Village?

A working mom. A young wife. A confused sister. A people-pleasing eldest daughter. A millennial with mixed feelings about it. Wondering where our villages are.